How is Youniversoul Bodywork different from Massage Therapy?

You are fully clothed throughout the session for your maximum awareness, safety, and comfort. No lotions or oils are applied, and skin contact is incidental.

The hands-on process is slow, subtle, and absolutely pain-free. I do gentle, precise movement of the physical and the subtle energy body to enourage the body's natural release of physical, emotional, and energetic blocks. With almost no effort from you or me, your body finds its own neutral, deeply comfortable place -- it's as if your body responds with "Ah, yes, this is who I am; thank you for bringing me back." This work quickly evokes a deep feeling of relaxation, significantly improved flexibility and range of motion, and an renewed sense of well-being. Most people describe their experience of the work as "transformational." As an adjunct to any rehabilitation therapy (such as Physical Therapy or Chiropractic work), Youniversoul clients report that their rehabilitation regimen is less painful, easier to perform, and results of their therapy appointments last longer.

Finally, my sessions also include a short Life Coaching component which helps you integrate your experiences during the session, and learn tools to continue your healing experience in your daily life. Contact Adele TODAY to schedule your FREE consultation appointment!